
Írta: coolromani1991

Ruhakiállítás az Európa Pontban

 A Romani Design  ruhakiállítást, a Kungler Art Szalon szociofotó kiállítást nyitott meg 2013. március 21-én az Antirasszista világnap alkalmából az Európai Unio Információs és Kulturális Központjában az Europa Pontban Európa a rasszizmus ellen címmel.  A tárlat 2013.…

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Címkék: budapest dizájn design magyar fashion divat antirasszista világnap európa pont romani design kugler art szalon Antirasszista


Írta: coolromani1991

Romani Design Scholarship Programme-Anna Conkova-English Faculty (CEU)

My name is Anna Conkova, and I am of Romani origin, currently studying at CEU, in Budapest. Just before that I studies sociology, though I felt that this is not the way that fits me. I would like to work as a fashion designer, this is the reason why I decided to be a volunteer at Romani Desing,…

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Címkék: fashion english ceu romani design


Írta: Animada

Roma Traditions Women’s Figurative Romani Dance

Dancing and singing plays a special role in traditional Roma communities. It is a pivotal part of our identity and we are able to express our belonging through music and dance. We present a young Roma girl from the Roma community in Pilisvörösvár called Kristina Sárközy on our home-made video.…

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Címkék: design fashion english dance earrings romani design


Írta: Animada

I’m a proud, elegant Roma woman!

Violeta is a young Bulgarian Roma, actively participating in Roma public life for several years already. As the co-worker of OSI in Budapest, she was connecting the Roma non-governmental organisations with the the Foundation, and she was one of the organisers of ’Barvalipe Camps’ with great…

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Címkék: design fashion english interview romani design


Írta: Animada

Fashion, meaning Acceptance

Vivi, the student of ELTE wearing Romani Design I am Vivien Németh, currently a 3rd grade student in the Law Faculty of ELTE University. From the very beginnings of Romani Design, I was amazed by the spirit and the feeling of the firm, all what it represents, and the fact that fashion…

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Címkék: budapest design fashion english romani design


Írta: coolromani1991

A new artist podium - 'egyHáz'

It’s Saturday evening. We’re in the heart of Budapest’s lively downtown right next to the Basilica in the open house once maintained by the Madarász Family. The rich make collection of the KuglerArt Gallery of Roma fine artists, which evokes this admirable past and closely adheres to it, is…

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Címkék: design fashion hungary english gallery paintings romani design romani platni romengo kugler art szalon

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